Ms. Carroll said I can't wear my ring, it's too small and I can't wear it anymore. She doesn't know I'm sad because I didn't cry at school. I put it in my crayon box.
The letter of the week is what you can guess. It goes errrrrrr. My j team won in music today. We had the most kids whose names start with j. 4- J.Vincent, Jayce, me and I don't remember. It was so so so wet outside so we had music instead of recess.
Blimey!- He held in his tears over the ring until he got off the bus. Now that is the heart breaking "mom of a kindergartener" stuff I dreaded. It's the ring he got out of the treasure chest week one. It never came off. That is, until it started cutting into his finger and trying to become a permanent decoration. Good call Ms. Carroll. I dropped the ball on that one. I should probably keep it to myself that I noticed on more than one occasion that his finger looked fatter under the ring, but forgot to investigate. After a few tears he moved and we played Legos. Also, I seriously doubt music replaced recess and thank the good Lord we began his name with a J.
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