Monday, September 26, 2011

Gold coinless

I didn't get a gold coin today.  I was too slow doing my work.  I am slow at coloring but I did my best.  One time Ms. Carroll told me my coloring was good for being inside the lines but it looked like I scribbled. I don't want to get distracted when I get work, but sometimes I do.  It will be okay if I can't go to the treasure box on Friday.  I was quite as an owl.  On the bus one of the rules is that you can't change your seat, but when the bus driver wasn't looking I really fast changed mine.  That way I got to sit closer to Emma.  He didn't even see me.  I was so fast and quiet.

Blimey! - Jackson was all about telling on himself today-slow worker, scribbler, unfocused, bus rule breaker...  He was kind of acting like a bad a$%, all excited to tell me about the bus rule breakage.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Morning News

Today Mattie's morning news was funny.  She said she ate a purple DS.  How is that even possible?  How could she eat a DS? Ms. Carroll said she didn't think anyone could eat a DS.  Guess what my morning news was?  I told about the time that I went to Mill Mountain Zoo and caught a skink.  Then I got to tell everyone what a skink was.  I said it is a tiny lizard with a blue tail, then I laughed. It is close to being a cousin with a lizard, they are a lot alike.  Ms. Carroll counts, 5,4,3,2,1 then you have to pass the bean bag and your morning news is over.  That really does happen in kindergarten.

I learned today that you never read books at the table with food.  A hedgehog did it and she got in big trouble because she got chocolate milk and raspberry on the book.  Raspberry jelly.  She put it in the washing machine but that torn the book up.  The book went to the book hospital and it was okay.  There were lots of books in the book hospital.

Everyone stayed on green but we didn't get a gold coin because we were all too loud today.  

Ahoy- For those of you who don't know, a DS is in reference to a handheld Nintendo game that only kindergartner's with older siblings have and the rest of them get one for Christmas.  At least that's what it seems like.  Anyways, it's big and Mattie definitely didn't eat a purple one.  Jackson loves morning news and it terrifies me.  I may have to start plugging morning news ideas before he leaves the house just to make sure none of our deep, dark family secrets gets to kindergarten.
I'm pretty sure the stoplight behavior system is going to graduate a whole generation of kids with an aversion to red and yellow and a love for green.  Jackson is already avoiding all things red and gravitating towards anything green.  It's time for me to go come up with some green silly-bandish toy and make my millions.  

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I had to teach Bobby about owies today.  I had to because he got hurt, he fell.  I just told him some things, but I don't want to tell you what I said.  Bobby shouldn't have gotten Ms. Carroll to get the nurse.  It was a really bad owie.   Tyler wrote on his desk with crayon.  Me and Mattie were going to tell but then Tyler told Ms. Carroll and she made him go to change his card to yellow.  Ms. Carroll brought her dog to school.  Her name was Max and you know what?  Max loves cheese.  When Ms. Carroll gets cheese out to give to her, her ears go up like this and she looks like a fox.

Ahoy, me Hearties: 
At first I figured Jackson was being a total bad a@# and thought Bobby shouldn't go to the nurse unless he was seriously injured or dying.  I pictured him saying- Yo Bobby, buck up.  But then Jackson said he considered the "owie" a bad one.  Why the secrets Jackson? 
I'm gonna blame Mattie for the tattling.  Girls.  
We got our two positives and a negative at Back to School night after the ambush PTA meeting.  
1. Jackson is very knowledgeable about bugs and animals 
2. Jackson is very smart. 
Negative- Jackson doesn't like doing seat work due to his poor fine motor skills and weak hand muscles.  I call that evolution.  Who needs to be able to write anymore? He's a super evolver.  He's going to Harvard on scholarship for sure.         

Monday, September 12, 2011

Body fluids.

A kid got a bloody nose.  There was blood dripping out.  He got that situation taken care of.  I liked recess today best.  It was fun but my bladder was really full.  My tummy hurt during recess because my bladder was so full.  Do you know what a bladder is?  It is in the bottom of your tummy, right here (points) and it holds your pee until you pee it out.  It reminds you when it gets too full to go pee.  I peed a little tiny bit in my pants but nobody knew.   My teacher didn't even know and my friends didn't know because it was just a tiny tiny little bit.  Everybody stayed on green today.  I thought some people would get on yellow or red but they didn't.

Avast ye-
Chris (Dad) and Jackson discussed anatomy and bladders yesterday, obviously.  When Jackson learns a new word he uses it A LOT.  I tried to figured out why recess was enjoyable for him if the entire time he had to pee so bad his stomach hurt.  At least he didn't do what he does when he has to pee outside at home.  I must have done something right.  Or maybe the time he pulled down his pants and peed in the center of a busy park and tried to call me mom afterwards while I swiftly walked away got the point across.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Principal's office and sticky fingers

Today was the first day a kid went to the Principals office! That is the baddest thing that happens to you if you are bad. Michael hit Ben so he went.  What if a kid is good and he goes? I did not sit next to Ben at lunch and that was good. James was near me but he got moved. If we behave in the cabateria like we did today we will not get ice cream tomorrow. One girl said she was a buyer but she really was a packer. I want to be a buyer.

A scurvy dog he be!- Yesterday a little fart named Ben stole one of Jackson's fruit snacks at lunch.  I suppressed the mama bear in me (he was pretty upset) and we worked out some strategies to avoid the situation tomorrow (yes I know it was only one fruit snack, but they are a BIG DEAL in our house). Turns out, yesterday he had to sit at the "I have peanut butter in my lunch" table with Ben. Here I was thinking I didn't have to worry about my kid being ostracized at lunch because he came out food allergy free. Looks like the tables have turned folks.  Jackson loves peanut butter enough to keep on sitting at the special table, he told me so. Anyways... we packed a knife in his lunch box, it was plastic but serrated. I kid. We figured he could eat the gummies while holding the bag to avoid Ben's literally and figuratively sticky fingers.

About buying lunch- Sorry buddy.  Until I stop seeing Sea Nuggets and Fried Salsbury Steak with Gravy on the menu the answer is a big fat NO.  I do promise to pack you more interesting lunches to keep your eyes off the tater tots and mystery fried veggies.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ring Sorrows

Ms. Carroll said I can't wear my ring, it's too small and I can't wear it anymore. She doesn't know I'm sad because I didn't cry at school. I put it in my crayon box.
The letter of the week is what you can guess. It goes errrrrrr. My j team won in music today. We had the most kids whose names start with j. 4- J.Vincent, Jayce, me and I don't remember. It was so so so wet outside so we had music instead of recess.

Blimey!- He held in his tears over the ring until he got off the bus. Now that is the heart breaking "mom of a kindergartener" stuff I dreaded. It's the ring he got out of the treasure chest week one. It never came off. That is, until it started cutting into his finger and trying to become a permanent decoration. Good call Ms. Carroll. I dropped the ball on that one. I should probably keep it to myself that I noticed on more than one occasion that his finger looked fatter under the ring, but forgot to investigate. After a few tears he moved and we played Legos. Also, I seriously doubt music replaced recess and thank the good Lord we began his name with a J.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


The tallest kid in my class is Bobby.  J.Vincent is tall too.  There are two Tylers.  I like Tyler R.  He is about my size.  We watched a movie, Winnie The Pooh.  We pretend the bus is a roller coaster and do you know when?  When we go to MY house!  All the kids on the bus yell WEEEEEEE.

Avast- Jackson didn't have much to say today.  Perhaps because he has been up at 5:30 am most days this week.  Delightful.  I have something to say though, two things actually- 1. I saw J. Vincent and he is the size of an 8 year old with a lineman's build 2. He chased Jackson off the bus to give him his backpack so I love him.   Jackson has gone and found his smaller than average, just turned five self a giant bodyguard of a friend that disregards bus rules because backpacks are important.  I hope Jackson is always this good at choosing friends.