Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Real Pretty Girl

I got a dagger sticker because everyone in my class was like yelling across the room and fighting and stuff and the circle table wasn't. The real pretty girl Mattie sits at the circle table. I talked to her when my eye felt like it had something in it. I showed it to her (pulling his lower lid down)and she said it looked red but I told her that's how all eyes look. They have red. Ms. Carrol once told me I am the best because I picked up her marker.

Ahoy- While Jackson brings up Mattie, I do ask leading questions, and most of the statements compiled above (on any given post actually) are his answers to my questions asked throughout the afternoon smooshed together. As you can tell J is pretty proud of the fact that Ms. Carroll told him he's "the best." When is the right time to let him know that people often say that and it doesn't actually mean he is the best in the class? I know he isn't, because Robert reads chapter books and does fourth grade math. I joined the PTA today and am heading to JCPenny in the morning to buy high waisted tapered jeans, a few turtlenecks and white Keds. Chris joined too but he doesn't know it.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Best

Today Ms. Carroll said "Jackson you are the best." I picked up her marker for her. You know the really pretty girl? Her name is Mattie. I played with J. Vincent.

Favorite part of school-outside

Letter of the week- S "I am really getting better at writing s."

Yo Ho- Have I mentioned I LOVE KINDERGARDEN! Jackson is nice to his sister when he comes home, he walks the dog happily and makes up games to play with c in the bouncy house. This is not normal. My kids are not sweet. They are funny and wild and a little weird. I'll have you know again that I know that these good times shall pass, but for now I am soaking them up like that oil covered leather bag lady soaks up the sun at Radford city pool.

Monday, August 29, 2011


You know what's my favorite toy that's outside?  The monkey bars!  You get to do spider man stuff and flips.  Today I played with J. Vincent except he got on yellow.  I don't remember why but I saw him get on yellow.  I got on yellow once.  It was the day before, the day before.  I forgot to tell you.  I forgot about it but I fought with towels.  I got back on green.  Purple is the baddest one, it means timeout.  If you try to go back to green, you have to go to red then yellow then green.  And I learned something else.  Mama might not like this just like she doesn't like me to watch Star Wars.  It is dangerous to climb trees.  It's just a rule that Simon said, a Safety Simon says.

Swabbing the Deck-  I love it when Jackson climbs trees.  Safety Simon can take his rules and shove it. Every time Jackson mentioned his new friend J. Vincent I let him know he probably had the name wrong and it was probably just Vincent.  He disagreed politely and told me the kid has a J on his backpack.  I figured Vincent's mother shops at the Company store outlet down the street, and like a few of my friends and I, let's her kids run around with backpacks embroidered with other kids names.   Not true.  I found the roster.  Sorry Jackson and J. Vincent for that matter.  I'm pretty sure it'd be cost effective for the school system to install one way mirrors in kindergarten classrooms and charge parents admission to the viewing room.  I'd pay.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


The most favorite part of today was gym.  The most hated part of today was gym.  We had exercise! You know what the most funnest exercise was? Bowling! I love bowling!  It's the most funnest exercise there was there.  You know how when you don't know what to do and you put your feet on the wall and do them like this (puts feet up on wall in a handstand)?  When I didn't know what to do, I did that.  She walked over, and raised her eyebrows up and said "stop." Then she told me what to do.

I like blood because it's just kinda like a bat suck and I like bats.  (Did I mention this kid is weird but I love him anyways?)

In reference to the prettiest girl in his class-Her hair was back today, like yours.  No barrettes.

Manning the ship-  I am feeling very blessed because Jackson enjoys kindergarten.  It's not a struggle to get him on the bus, he talks about school (I bribe) and is a happy kid when he gets home.  I know this can be short lived so I am rolling in it like Tucker rolls in dog s#$%.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Journals and potential future girlfriends

Shockingly Chris and Jackson aren't concerned with getting an- in his own words, first hand account of kindergarten.  They talked about kindergarten while I was slaving in the kitchen cooking the usual (completely organically homegrown and made from scratch dinner).  Both were punished.  Moving on, this is what made it over the sound of the organic homemade things cooking:

They wrote in journals.  Not about feelings.  Just about the letter M.  And by write I mean drew pictures of things that started with the letter M.  He liked that.  Chris asked a leading question about Music class and Jackson told him he went.  Upon further investigation, he didn't. He went to library.  The book in his backpack being the evidence.  Jackson loves books, therefore he loves library.  Recess is still the all time best part of the day.  Today he learned to do a flip on the monkey bars.  Lastly, there's this girl.  Short blonde hair, blue eyes, wears dresses.  She caught his eye.  He's going to try and talk to her tomorrow.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Not as good as yesterday...

Today was Good. Not as good as yesterday because I already done it.
Favorite thing about today- doing the thing spiderman does at the playground on the monkey bars. One kid said "woah you're like spiderman" two-times. I didn't have any friends today. (Insert very accurate Wookie sounds here.)
Least favorite thing about today- I hated art.

Comments from the true Captian- Ever hung out with a third grade girl? We have one today. She rode the bus home with Jackson because my neighbor, her mom, is working later than usual. Anyways, they like to talk. A.L.O.T. She followed my lead by asking J questions about his day but the only response she got was a high-pitched "muff muff." J has proved himself a true spawn of Chris by hating art and enjoying recess above all else. His art from today includes a lot of blank space (an invisible dragon I suppose) and a few spots of glued on red sparkles.

He's happy and that's all that matters.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Day

Kindergarden is like being inside an imperial walker, just fun!  (The next sentence was sung to the tune of the Imperial March) We painted our hands and made our handprint too-oo-oo-oo.  I learned a new silly word for penis, wiener.  I made a friend, but I don't know his name.  He has brown skin and short hair like mine, but not as short as mine.  He played blocks with me.  I learned the silly word for penis from the boy that sat near me at lunch.  I stayed on green.  I am afraid of getting in trouble around anybody that's not my parents.  Kindergarten Rocks! I love it! It's awesome!  

Notes from the true captain of this ship- Jackson's posting was a compilation of information I gathered from him in the two hours after he got home from kindergarten.  I was unsuccessful in getting him to actually sit and dictate, weird.  I did however, do my best to post in the order that the information came to me which can also be weird.